Tracy Kennedy

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Have you Heard of "Lucky Girl Syndrome?"

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I was thrilled to be contacted by the team at Katie Couric Media to weigh in on a timely topic called, “Lucky Girl Syndrome.”

If you’re wondering what “Lucky Girl Syndrome” is, the author defines it as, “the belief that the use of affirmations and positive thinking will manifest your hopes and dreams — including big wins like money, luxury apartments, or major career shifts." Think Gen Z's version of The Secret and The Power of Positivity - the philosophy that you can obtain all that you want if you just 'ask, believe, and receive'.

I had a wonderful discussion with the reporter on the benefits of positive thinking, the downfalls of toxic positivity, and how “luck” plays a role in creating the lives of our dreams. We talked about the seductive and trendy nature of "manifesting" and the importance of "putting in the work".

Check out the article here: Gen Z Is Reinventing ‘The Secret’ With an Emphasis on Luck: What Lucky Girl Syndrome gets wrong about positive thinking — and expert advice on how to use manifestation and affirmations healthily.

My conversation with the journalist was prompted by a popular article I wrote for Lifehack on Toxic Positivity: Why Being Positive Could Be Bad Sometimes. In the article, we explore how the “good vibes only” mentality can be detrimental, share examples of toxic positivity, and, most importantly, offer strategies for what you can do instead.

And while we're on the topic, you might want to check out this article too - Why Negative Emotions Aren’t That Bad (And How to Handle Them). Writing this article stretched and changed me in many ways. If you know me, you'll know why. As someone with a natural disposition towards positive thinking who was raised in a family of hopeful optimists, I spent a lot of my life trying to ignore so-called "negative emotions." But at what cost?

The theme with all of these articles? Balance and Authenticity.

Ultimately, life is full of ups and downs, good times and bad, joy and sadness. Positivity, belief, hope, and optimism are essential elements to success and happiness...and’s important to recognize the difference between healthy and unhealthy positivity and luck and hard work. Acknowledge, embrace, and learn from the tough times and know the power you have to build a life you love.

With love (and a little bit of luck),

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